Late-Life Foreign Language Learning and Teaching
Wrocław, Poland, 20-22 September 2018
The Institute of English Studies at the University of Wrocław is pleased to announce the first International Conference on Late-Life Foreign Language Learning and Teaching (LLFLLT) to be held in Wrocław on the 20th-22nd September 2018. We would like to invite academics specialising in second and foreign language learning who are interested in the newly emerging field of learning and teaching of languages to the subpopulation of older adult learners to submit their proposals. We will also welcome abstracts of the post-conference papers, which will be published in the first issue of the LLFLLT journal. Please see attachment file (download) or confrence website (open) for more details.
The Centre of Languages and Communication at Poznan University of Technology is pleased to announce the 15th International CercleS Conference entitled
Broad Perspectives on Language Education in the Globalized World
6-8 September, 2018, The Centre of Languages and Communication, Poznan University of Technology, Poznan, POLAND
The aim of the conference is to provide an opportunity for scholars, academic developers, practitioners and project managers to exchange ideas about language teaching methodology in the new era. This conference held at Poznan University of Technology will be a rare opportunity for a collaborative debate involving members of language centre associations from all over the world, who will be able to share their unrivalled first-hand experience in language teaching in multicultural contexts. Our wish is to embrace different perspectives on didactic methods in tertiary education in order to promote in-depth reflection on issues related to teaching foreign languages in a globalized world. Please see attachment file for more details (download).
Katedra Filologii PWSZ w Koninie oraz
Zakład Filologii Angielskiej Wydziału Pedagogiczno-Artystycznego UAM w Kaliszu
zapraszają do udziału w 6. międzynarodowej konferencji na temat:
Konin, 7-9 maja 2018 r.
Ogromne zainteresowanie tematyką autonomii w nauce języka obcego, którego dowodem był tak liczny udział pracowników naukowych, metodyków i nauczycieli w pięciu poprzednich konferencjach poświęconych temu zagadnieniu oraz popularność wydanych na ich podstawie prac monograficznych, sprawia, że podjęliśmy decyzję o zorganizowaniu kolejnego spotkania tego typu. Choć tematyka następnej konferencji będzie jak zwykle szeroka, chcielibyśmy tym razem zachęcić Państwa w szczególności do zastanowienia się nad możliwościami rozwijania samodzielności w przypadku nauki sprawności i podsystemów językowych. Jak w poprzednich latach, obrady odbywać się będą zarówno w języku polskim, jak i w języku angielskim. Więcej na temat konferencji znależć można na stronie domowej konferencji (przejdź).
ACTFL Annual Convention and World Languages Expo
(Incorporating the FIPLV World Congress)
The 2018 ACTFL Annual Convention and World Languages Expo of the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) will be held November 16-18 with pre-convention workshops on Thursday, November 15 at the Ernest N. Morial Convention Center in New Orleans, Louisiana. This year we will be incorporating the FIPLV World Congress as part of the convention.
The ACTFL Convention features more than 800 educational sessions covering the whole spectrum of the language profession. The entire selection process is designed to provide attendees with an exciting array of sessions and events to further your knowledge and skills to become better, well-informed teachers and administrators. Join thousands of your colleagues from around the world at the most comprehensive professional development event available to language educators today. We welcome language educators at all levels and of all languages to submit a proposal.
Please note: When you log in, it is very important that you carefully read all the information in the Submission Guidelines and Presenter Responsibilities, and also view the tutorial video before proceeding to complete your online submission. The submission deadline is Friday, January 12, 2018 at 11:59pm Eastern Time. All proposals for consideration must be submitted online and will not be accepted after the deadline date.
Visit the ACTFL website for more information and to submit your proposal now.