Dear colleague,
It is my pleasure to inform you that Iranian Journal of Language Teaching Research (IJLTR) is going to publish one Special Issue each year beginning with 2016 (in addition to two regular issues which appear on the 1st of January and July every year). Special Issues will be theme-based and will be guest-edited by leading figures in the field.
I am delighted to announce that Prof. Jack C Richards has kindly agreed to guest-edit the 2016 Special Issue on Teacher Education. Call for papers is now open for this Special Issue and potential contributors are invited to send their manuscripts to following guidelines for submission available at the journal website ( Research-based papers can be submitted on any aspect of Teacher Education including teacher training, teacher development, professional development, multicultural perspectives on teacher education and so on.
Submissions should be in the form of email attachments, with the following phrase as the subject of the email: Submission for 2016 Special Issue on Teacher Education. The deadline for submissions is 1 May 2016.
The theme for 2017 Special Issue will be announced soon. Please check the journal website for further updates on our future Special Issues.
Please share the news and CFP with your colleagues, links and email lists. Looking forwards to receiving your quality papers for the Special Issue (and regular issues).
Best regards
Karim Sadeghi
Karim Sadeghi, PhD
Founding Editor and Editor-in-chief
Iranian Journal of Language Teaching Research (IJLTR)
Faculty of Philology, State University of Applied Sciences, Konin, Poland,
Department of English Studies, Faculty of Pedagogy and Fine Arts, Adam Mickiewicz University, Kalisz, Poland
Konin, October 17th-19th, 2016
(separate forms necessary for co-speakers)
After two very successful and intellectually stimulating PL-CALL conferences (2013, Warsaw; 2014, Warsaw) and the PL-CALL day (P L-CALL Between in 2015, Kraków), we are going to convene for the fourth time, on 2 -3 June 2016 in Kraków.
The main theme of our 2016 conference is CALL for mobility , which is self-explanatory in today's world, where everything, including language learning, is increasingly mobilized.
We would like to invite you to submit a paper proposal for the conference.
Suggested research and academic practice areas:
• Mobile Assisted Language Learning (MALL)
• gamification in language learning
• designing mobile apps for language learning
• virtual student mobility / intercultural online exchanges
• computer-assisted activities stimulating intellectual agility: critical
thinking, multiliteracies, etc.
• technology-enhanced explorations of fandoms and other territories
• (broadly understood) mobility in teacher training and translator
The FIPLV Nordic-Baltic Region is pleased to announce NBR 2016 conference hosted by Estonian Association of Foreign Language (the EATFL) in Tallinn, Estonia. In 2012 EAFLT joined the FIPLV regional organization Nordic- Baltic Region (the NBR), a year later the EAFLT became a member of the FIPLV (the Fédération Internationale des Professeurs de Langues Vivantes).