June 11-12, 2020
The conference Future of Languages will take place in Reykjavík, Iceland, in 2020. The venue is at the University of Iceland, “Veröld – the home of Vigdís” building, named after Iceland´s former president, Madame Vigdís Finnbogadóttir, the first and only UNESCO Ambassador of Languages. The program will be partly theoretical and partly practical as we join forces to learn from each other’s experiences and practices, while simultaneously gaining knowledge about future perspectives and challenges. Panels will be organized in different languages, even if English will be the main language of communication.
The daily program will open and close with a plenary lecture, while numerous parallel sessions will operate simultaneously within the same building. Suggestions for outstanding speakers are still welcomed (send to holmfr@hi.is). Please see attachment file (download) for more details.